Usually, producers struggle to make a name for themselves in the beginning. They wonder if their craft will ever be more than what it is used for by musicians and whether; in the words of Jay Z, their name shall survive.
The first day I heard Emmeno's music was on the phone; with a close friend at the time, who was in the studio with him; creating what is now 10 O'Clock in VGC; by Hotyce, in 2014.
Next, was on "Awake"- track 7 of Odysseus, Jesse Jagz's fourth studio offering in 2017.
Soon after, at a private pre-listening I was invited to in June of 2018 by Emmeno; Red Light, by Hotyce featuring Jesse Jagz came on and I was sure that this talent was going to be here for a while.
It was not just going to survive. I was sure that the music he made would thrive and I told him that.
He later went on to release his first feature single as a producer; OBSERVATION in January, 2019, featuring MAKA and D-Truce.
Upon announcing that he was going to release an EP in the final quarter of 2020; which had been the most adventurous year for many Nigerian creatives, one wondered what he would offer us, and whether it would be memorable in the times we found ourselves.
I will be telling you all about my experience of LONG NIGHTS, SHORT MORNINGS
First, the lead single Cover You, features the singer Frescool. It is a mellow pop bop.
If you're looking for a song to share that's all romance without the complications of an underpinned meaning or an overpowering rhythm, this is that jam.
It is the third track on the EP.
Trouble featuring MAKA with guitars by Tosin Oguntayo
This is the almost-desperate-lover anthem.
Maka paints a vivid picture of her travails and obvious missteps in love on this neo-soul number. Her vocal texture embellishes the beat.
It is the first track on the EP.
Spirit Free featuring Barelyanyhook, Phlow, with additional vocals by Mildred Joel.
This is the crux of the EP for me. The rappers on this core cypher-style record touch on the issues that are important within not only their native Nigeria, but for Black people in the USA and around the world.
Topics discussed include police brutality based on racial and dress stereotyping, corruption, theft by government officials and the need for young protest to protest a system that is failing them; even if they are afraid.
With this record, Emmeno not only shows us his skill -he also shows us that he and his team are aware of the effect that they want to have on their listeners.
The record was a very good record, I would give the record an 8.5.
All the (Streaming) links to #LNSM can be accessed here:
To find out about all things Emmeno, visit his website:
Peace and Light,
Nathalie W
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